Sunday, 8 January 2012

Late night BaneLord & Ur-Ghul w.i.p

Full night session last night saw lots of progress on a couple of personal
projects.Firstly to get warmed up with the brushes, I matched in the
metals on the BaneLord's new hammer & darkened the flesh shade.

Still a long way to go from here,Can start highlighting all areas next while
also building his base.
Now that the paints were flowing my eye was caught by the Ur-Ghul
that has been sat patiently on my bench (for way to long) while I pondered
how to attack him.Decided to bite the bullet finally and go with it..see what
From a basecoat of vmc flat flesh, I toned & shaded using many various
purples,greys,browns,greens & reds, All Acrylic colours, Before using Oil
paints to highlight. Starting with off white/beige mix getting lighter to almost
pure white. No step by step pictures as the painting process was very fluid
and fast, changing from colour to colour, Adding spot of this here and bit of
that over there.
With the bulk now complete,Will start neatening areas like the backs of hands
feet,teeth etc.
 & feel like the base is missing something so some possible additions to come??
    Anyway enough blar blar here are the pictures of him so far...


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